
Top 10 Favourite Disney Princesses

The list of top 10 favourite disney princesses are as below:-

(10) Snow White

In the 10th place of top 10 favourite disney princesses is Snow White because, I’ve loved Snow White ever since I was a kid, and it’s always bothered me that people dismiss her as being weak and stupid. She may not be as physically tough as some of the other princesses but she shows a lot of inner strength throughout the movie. She’s most known for being optimistic and kind, but she’s also a strong leader (think of how she bosses around the dwarves) resourceful and persuasive (she has some major networking skills, think about how she not only convinvced the animals to help her find a place to stay, but also managed to convince the dwarves to let her stay with only her cooking and cleaning skills as a bargaining chip) and hardworking (imagine working as a slave in your own household for your entire life) I admit, she’s not as well-developed as the other princesses in terms of personality, but that’s just due to the nature of being from the first ever full-length animated feature.

(9) Merida

Merida, like Cinderella is not my favorite Disney Princess but I still respect her though I am a bit disappointed. When I first saw the trailer I was hoping that Merida was going to be a more amazing Scottish version of Mulan. I was a bit disappointed when I saw she in truth didn’t do much with a sword or bow and arrow throughout the movie, I was very happy that she grew in a way I’d never seen a princess grow before, politically.

(8) Anna

Anna is quirky, funny, and loyal. I mean, disney really did try and tried with a beautiful effort when making rapunzel and Merida. It was obvious that they wanted the out-of-the-ordinary princess who wasn’t princess-like at all and didn’t obey the rules and still remained effortlessly amazing role models. Yeah, well they tried once again with Anna, this time going the dangerous way out. They decided to make her… SOCIALLY AWKWARD. Yes, I know, hitting people with frying pans and eating an apple loudly and chewing with your mouth open while the kingdom watching are totally and insanely awkward.

(7) Cinderella

Cinderella is iconic. Some may perceive her as weak or helpless, but she is in fact brave and strong. Imagine enduring years and years of physical and verbal abuse and continuing to maintain a positive outlook on life, an outlook in which you continue to dream of a better life. I don’t think I could have maintained the same sort of self control and internal beauty that Cinderella possessed throughout her life. And speaking of beauty, she’s gorgeous to boot. She is kind, sweet, and gentle, and even attempts to find the good in her evil stepmother and stepsisters, as well as the devious cat lucifer. She greets her greedy and rude and selfish stepsisters with a smile and a “good morning” even when they are so horrible to her. That takes strength and endurance. On top of that, she’s witty and funny. She is the type of person deserving of a fairy godmother, someone who can’t escape her current circumstances on her own.

(6) Elsa

First of all, Elsa is both a princess and a queen, which is awesome. Also, she has super-powers… who doesn’t like super-powers? Also, Elsa is not a helpless romantic, like all of the other princesses. She is mature because she has to be, from that first moment she accidentally struck her sister, and she has to hold all of her powers inside, and not let anyone see who she is for her sister’s protection, as well as the protection of her country. And when she accidentally strikes her sister and is forced to leave to the mountains, she doesn’t want to go. And she clearly loves her sister. Her voice is beautiful, and her dress is awesome. The sisters save each other, not a guy, which is awesome. Elsa also shows that being different can be a great thing, as evident at the end when she made the ice rink.

(5) Rapunzel

Rapunzel is the best Disney princess for several reasons:

1. She’s selfless. She attempts to sacrifice any and all chances of future happiness in order to save her true love. No other princess can say that, with the only possible exception being Anna when she guards Elsa from Hans.

2. She’s brave. It takes a lot of guts to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, especially when you’ve been taped in a tower your whole life with only your mother and a chameleon for company. Rapunzel is able to take on a group of thugs her first day out of the house since she was born. That’s pretty kickass.

3. She’s kind. Rapunzel has a truly good heart, being able to see the good in people such as the Tavern Thugs and Flynn Rider. She is able to see their full potential.

(4) Mulan

Mulan shows independence, maturity, bravery, everything a lot of the mother princesses seem to be lacking. She is a amazing role model for young girls, by her being the heroine, saving a whole country and the person she loves, yet putting her family before love, and making her man come to her rather than the other way around. She risks her life for her family, she was never in danger in the first place, not directly at least, yet she goes to war instead of her father to fight, putting herself in danger. She shows intelligence and strong characteristics. The best princess shouldn’t be judged on beauty or singing voice, but how much of a role model they are, and show the young girls of today that it’s good to be independent, instead of waiting around for true love and wanting to be beautiful.

(3) Belle

1. She doesn’t want a prince
2. Her name means beauty
3. Asserts nerd pride and reads, despite the town mocking her
4. Rejects the good-looking jerk for the kind-hearted Beast
5. Has the ability to break spells with her tears
6. Wasn’t born a princess
7. She doesn’t need talking animals… SHE has talking FURNITURE.

(2) Ariel

She will always be my favorite! It’s not that she’s totally devoted to her man, it’s that she believes in true love and why wait for something that “might” happen again, when there is someone right here who is everything you could want. I also love that her story is the first story where there is true love. She gets to know her prince and is able to fall in love with him on a whole other level. I also have a huge love for swimming, the sea, mermaids, and red hair laugh out loud. She also had a hand in helping to defeat her villian. If she hadn’t stopped Urusala from blasting Eric, boom, movie would be over.

(1) Jasmine

Jasmine is in the first place of top 10 favourite disney princesses because, she wouldn’t let herself be pushed into marriage. She knew in her heart she wanted to wait for true love so she did it. She was very cautious being around Aladdin to make sure he didn’t just want to marry her for her riches, which shows she has respect for herself. She is also very loving and forgiving because even after she found out Aladdin was lying to her she accepted that he lied so he could be with her and because he loved her.
She is a very strong and selfless princess which makes her the best.

Please Comment if you think the list of Top 10 Favourite Disney Princesses is not correct or proper.

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